I am excited to tell you tfcotld is not dead.. we have fresh vision and direction for the years to come..and continuing even more effectively our desire to raise up leaders in all areas but especially in the underground /subculture area..also tfcotld has always reached everyone off all diff jandras styles backgrounds and ages that had one thing in common they felt like outcasts...we have been called to the outcast because as the word says(1cor 1) God chooses the simple to confound the wise the week to put to shame the see then we dont glory in and put on ers of LOOK WHAT I CAN DO....or get all holier than though and forget grace......
WE have stopped local meetings for tfcotld...we are going to focus more on global again...God has put in my heart to create a resource book and possibly an online class that will focus on being a foundation for small tfcotld rebel groups around the world...its our desire to activate people...get them taking action...being Christs hands and feet...and doing it in creative ways...through art music etc...i want to see people excited about seeing jesus move in them and through them...seeing hurting people healed around the globe...getting to be a part of that....that excites see satan wants to suck out the life get us feeling down sick we never realise our potential to CHANGE THE WORLD...for good for GOd for love.. but i say to hell with him ..lets live the dream...let love over take you and rise up on HIS is your time its not to late!
God has told us to return to our the beginning...thats what we were, a small rebel group not caring about the established order...only orders from headquarters...and in the beginning 15 years ago , he said to us take the church to the people because the people are the church...!! so begins a new chapter of the unfolding saga..the great adventure...
i encourage you to be a blessing to this ministry ...we have always worked with people who dont have much and money isnt our goal...but it is a good thing to be a giver even the little you can..because a life style of giving is a blessing to you and to others...!
lets join hands and hearts and be the love revolutionaries God created us to be!!! more coming soon....
love, tiavi rudow (ceo)
PS ..the resource book will focus on a foundation of grace which i find lacking in so much of the "underground" scene..grace is the good news...that without it you have only another religion which you must work to earn a crumb from heavens table...i want to see people awakened to grace, Gods great love for them...and knowing who they are in Christ..knowing their authority in his name..knowing that salvation is not just a ticket to an after event....the event starts now..the party is now...healing in every area of our lives...peace that passses all unspeakable..haha!!!
let him empower you today , remember its his strength...
But God chose what the world considers nonsense to put wise people to shame. God chose what the world considers weak to put what is strong to shame.